Our Impact

Since 1995 Global Focus has been one of the leaders in church missions mobilization. Global Focus has served as a catalyst to hundreds of churches in the USA, and those churches have been changed forever. Only heaven knows how much the Kingdom has been advanced as a result of the missions ministry of those churches. What we do know is:

  • The value of missions in church life has been elevated.
  • Giving to missions has been increased.
  • Prayer for missions has been expanded.
  • Awareness of and interest in missions has been enhanced.
  • And more people are now on assignment in missions both across the street and around the world.

In recent years, Global Focus has expanded its ministry to help pastors and churches around the world. Right now, Global Focus is working in more than 10 countries and helping more than 400 churches.

We constantly receive feedback from both pastors and missions leaders about how God is using the ministry of Global Focus and the impact it is having throughout the world.